Talk / Discussion regarding ongoing 'De-Construction of Europe'
Donnerstag, 13. Juni, 19.00 Uhr / Thursday, June 13th, 2013, 7 pm - German American Center (DAZ)
Dynamics in Transatlantic Security: Trends in U.S. Foreign Policy and Europe’s De-Construction
Lecture by Dr. Michaela Hertkorn, Stuttgart
With President Obama’s second term unfolding, Europeans are still facing one crucial question: Quo vadis U.S. foreign and security policy? Whereas Obama emphasized the relevance of so-called “soft power” at the beginning of his first term, the reality of a drone-wielding President does not quite seem to match the rhetoric. While Europe has been struggling with its own financial and economic crisis since 2008, the lack of credibility in American leadership given U.S. domestic politics and the fall-out from two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq has had an effect on European allies in EU and NATO, too. On which issues of global relevance should Europeans and the U.S. work together? How can this best be done in times of austerity and the arguable divergence of interests among allies? Political scientist Dr. Michaela Hertkorn will address these questions in her lecture. – In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Europa Zentrum Baden-Württemberg. – Eintritt 5 Euro, ermäßigt 3 Euro, DAZ-Mitglieder frei.
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