US press review, April 21st, 2017
In einem der größten Freizeit- und Vergnügungsparks Europas zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich unweit der Schweizer Grenze reist der Besucher grenzfrei zwischen Tulpen- und Veilchenbeeten von einem Themenbereich Europäischer Länder zum anderen, Kulinarisches von Griechenland, Italien und Spanien bis Island, Skandinavien und Russland genießend.
Kinder schaukeln in luftigen Höhen eines Wiener Kettenkarussels und Familien halten Ausschau nach Walen auf Norwegischen Fischerkuttern.
Eine Attraktion der besonderen Art ist ‘Arthurs Land der Minimoys’. Auf einem ‘Stahlachterbahn-Darkride-Hybrid Coaster’ mit Höchstgeschwindigkeiten bis zu 31 km in der Stunde lassen sich Jung und Alt mit ‘special effects’ in die Unterwelt kleiner Phantasie-Wesen befördern, die im Amerika der 1950er Jahre gegen das Böse kämpfen. Während an der Oberfläche das Leben auf einer US Amerikanischen Farm seinen normalen Gang zu gehen scheint, treiben der ‘böse Malthazar’ und sein Sohn ‚Darkos’ im Untergrund ihr Unwesen.
Während der Besuch im Freizeitpark die Flucht aus der Realität für einige Stunden erlaubt, darf man sich dieser Tage die folgenden Fragen stellen:
- Wie lange noch sind uns derartige ‘Banalitäten’ möglich?
- Wo findet in unseren Zeiten der Kampf gegen das vermeintlich Böse statt? Lauern in der realen Welt ebenso dunkle Kräfte, die wir – die ‘normalsterblichen Steuerzahler’ – nur nicht in unserem Alltag zu erkennen vermögen? Ist vieles von dem, was als realer Wohlstand anmutet, im Grunde nur noch schöner Schein einer zunehmend von Globalisierungs-Ungerechtigkeiten und -Unfreiheiten charakterisierten Welt?
Dasselbe ‘vereinte’ Europa von einst, in den späten 1940ern und 1950er von Politikern erdacht und in den Folgejahrzehnten herbeigeredet, wird nun - so erscheint es - von seinen Nachfolgern demontriert und dekonstruiert.
Schlafwandelnd scheinen wir die Weltbürger in den nächsten großen Krieg zu taumeln.
Nach wessen Skript eigentlich?
‘Otto-NormalbürgerIn’ reibt sich vor Fassungslosigkeit die Augen – so viel ist dieser Tage vom Krieg die Rede.
Sollte nicht jahrzehntelang der gewöhnliche Mensch (‘ordinary men’) für die Greuel des letzten Weltkrieges verantwortlich gewesen sein? Das 21. Jahrhundert scheint vermehrt zu offenbaren, vor was uns Ex-Präsident Dwight D. Eisenhower bei seiner Abschiedsrede 1961 gewarnt hatte: die Allmacht derjenigen, die den militärisch-industriellen Sicherheitsapparat repräsentieren; sie scheinen den Krieg zu suchen und uns die ‘kleinen Minimoys’ in diesen zu treiben – um dann womöglich erneut vom Wiederaufbau aus den Trümmern zu profitieren: scheinbar unsichtbar, im Verborgenen.
In diesem Sinne kommen wir zu den wenig erfreulichen Nachrichten der vergangenen Woche:
Sean Adl-Tabatabai,
Stephen Lendman,
Sean Adl-Tabatabai,
Freedom and Democracy, What is Tyranny?
“…9/11 clearly, without any doubt, destroyed American liberty. Even if you are so brainwashed as to believe an obviously false story of the event, even if you believe that a few Saudi Arabians without government or intelligence service support outwitted all 16 US intelligence agencies, the National Security Council, all intelligence agencies of Washington’s vassals abroad, outwitted Israel’s Mossad, US Air Traffic Control, caused US Airport Security to fail four times in one hour on the same day, and prevented for the first time in history the US Air Force from sending fighters to intercept off course airliners, the fact remains the same: the US government used 9/11 to destroy the constitutional protections of US liberty.
The raw, ugly, but true fact that “our” government has destroyed American liberty is the reason that everyone of us is subject to experiencing the abuses that John Whitehead describes.
Who will be next? You? Me? Your Wife? Your Son? Your daughter? Your aged and infirm parents?
When it happens, it was the American people who permitted it.”
Und einige Abschnitte früher im selben Text:
“…If truth be known, Americans are no more free than were Germans under Gestapo Germany. ‘Freedom and Democracy America’ is the greatest lie in the world.
Countries sink into tyranny easily. Those born today don’t know the freedom of the past and are unaware of what has been taken away. Some American blacks might think that finally after a long civil rights struggle they have gained freedom. But the civil rights that they gained have been taken away from all of us by the ‘war on terror.’ Today black Americans are gratuitously shot down in the streets by police in ways that are worse than in Jim Crow days.
American women might think that finally they have gained equality, and they have—the equality to be abused by police just like men. As John Whitehead reports, women are forced by police to strip naked, often in public, and have their vaginas explored as part of a “drug search.” When I was a young man, society would not have tolerated any such intrusion on a woman. The officer and police chief would have been fired and if not prosecuted for rape, would have been beat into bloody pulps by the enraged men.
Tyranny was brought to Americans intentionally by their government.”
“…In my long experience in Washington, vice presidents did not make major foreign policy announcements or threaten other countries with war. Not even Dick Cheney stole this role from the weak president George W. Bush.
But yesterday the world witnessed VP Pence threaten North Korea with war. ‘The sword stands ready,’ said Pence as if he is the commander in chief…”
Tyler Durden,
“…While geopolitical concerns and French election uncertainty are factors, The Wall Street Journal notes that many markets are flashing red on growth as investors begin to return to pre-election bets on the old 'new normal' - a persistently weak economic expansion.
There are clear signs that the sugar rush of Donald Trump’s victory and global-growth hopes has faded, raising doubts among some investors about whether stocks can stay high. The sharp drop in government-bond yields is the most obvious signal that something is amiss.
The long-end of the Treasury market curve has practically dismissed any hope of Trumpflation growth...
Tyler Durden, Ibid, ‘Paul Tudor Jones Has A Message For Janet Yellen: "Be Terrified
Gregor Flock, ‘False Accusations and Fake News: Assad Government Did Not Commit the Gas Attacks in Khan Shaykhun’,Part II, 20. April 2017
“…Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower. This gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.
It was the dirtiest political campaign in living memory, and it all began with Brennan.”
“…The White House report offering proof that Assad gassed his own people has turned out to be ‘false’ and ‘fraudulent,’ and suggests the Trump administration deliberately covered up the truth bout what really happened in Syria, according to Theodore Postol, a professor of Science, Technology, and International Security at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology”.
Tyler Durden,
“…According to the Korea Herald, the Vinson is now expected to arrive at the Korean Peninsula on April 25, the same day as the 85th anniversary of the foundation of the North Korean army.”
Felicity Arbuthnot,
Für Hintergrundinformationen zur gegenwärtigen US Amerikanischen Politik bezüglich Nord Koreas, siehe die nachstehenden Analysen zweier US ‘Denkfabriken’. Hieraus ersichtlich, dass die derzeitige Politik auf konkreten Politikempfehlungen führender US ‘Think Tanks’ basiert:
Task Force Report, ‘A Sharper Choice on North Korea. Engaging China for a Stable Northeast Asia’, September 2016 (Council on Foreign Relations)
Chairs: Mike Mullen, President, MGM Consulting, LLC, and Sam Nunn, Co-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Nuclear Threat Initiative Project
Director: Adam Mount, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
Program Director: Anya Schmemann, Director of the Independent Task Force Program
“Chaired by Mike Mullen, retired admiral and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Sam Nunn, former U.S. senator and co-chairman and chief executive officer of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, the Task Force finds that “North Korea’s accelerating nuclear and missile programs pose a grave and expanding threat to the territory of U.S. allies, to U.S. personnel stationed in the region, and to the continental United States.” Without a shift in strategy, the group concludes, the next U.S. president may be confronted by a North Korea that has the ability to strike the U.S. homeland.”
Bruce W. Bennett, ‘Preparing for the Possibility of a North Korean Collapse’, 18. September 2013 (RAND Corporation, Washington DC)
“… A North Korean government collapse would have serious consequences in North Korea and beyond. At the very least, a collapse would reduce the already scarce food and essential goods available to the population, in part due to hoarding and increasing costs. This could lead to a humanitarian disaster. Factions emerging after a collapse could plunge the country into civil war that spills over into neighboring countries. Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) could be used and even proliferated. This report examines ways of controlling and mitigating the consequences, recognizing that the Republic of Korea (ROK) and its U.S. ally will almost certainly need to intervene militarily in the North, likely seeking Korean unification as the ultimate outcome. But such an intervention requires serious preparation. North Koreans must be convinced that they will be treated well and could actually have better lives after unification. The allies need to prepare to deliver humanitarian aid in the North, stop conflict, demilitarize the North Korean military and security services over time, and secure and eventually eliminate North Korean WMD. Potential Chinese intervention must be addressed, ideally leading to cooperation with ROK and U.S. forces.”
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